The creation of your 3D models: a preview of your mosaic project

Model your mosaic project ideas in 3D and allow your customers to visualize the project before it is built: it’s possible with Magic Mosaic!

3D printing, a new era

Recently, 3D printing has become increasingly used in the architectural sector. It allows the realization of concrete structures, as well as 3D printed houses.

3D models have many advantages such as saving time, reducing the cost of manufacturing, the level of accuracy, they can be modified in case of error, are considered as an ideal visualization tool, …

Magic Mosaic, your 3D colour printer!

For your mosaic project, Magic Mosaic offers to produce a realistic 3D model, with precise details and in colour so that you can quickly materialize your project and show it off.

This will allow you to present it to your clients in a way that will allow them to visualize, project and better understand the different stages of your project idea.

More precisely, we use the additive manufacturing method: we produce 3D colour models of approximately 15x15cm in size, based on your custom mosaic project. We are supplied by an Italian company.

Better than an elaborate plan, time saving and less expensive than having your project materialized by a model maker, with Magic Mosaic you can get your 3D colour model now!

Get a considerable contribution with the 3D models in your commercial and organizational approach.

You can request a quote today on our website.t

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us by phone or by email